Biff : I'll take Up 4% anyday Troll
102794626 Biff : buy the dip
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP Biff : U mean down 2% share
Biff : Panda Troll. You better cover your 50 shares
Oophin Biff : He has no position. Just trolls. That’s his job apparently
Biff Oophin : Yeppers
Biff Oophin : He also bashers AMC
Nick452nd Oophin : the trolls are easy to spot. block them and everything is much better
Malt shake : How are you doing loser?
Biff : I'll take Up 4% anyday Troll
102794626 Biff : buy the dip
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP Biff : U mean down 2% share
Biff : Panda Troll. You better cover your 50 shares
Oophin Biff : He has no position. Just trolls. That’s his job apparently
Biff Oophin : Yeppers
Biff Oophin : He also bashers AMC
Nick452nd Oophin : the trolls are easy to spot. block them and everything is much better
Malt shake : How are you doing loser?