All contents such as comments and links posted or shared by users of the community are the opinion of the respective authors only and do not reflect the opinions, views, or positions of Moomoo Financial Inc., Moomoo Technologies, any affiliates, or any employees of MFI, MTI or its affiliates. Please consult with a qualified financial professional for your personal financial planning and tax situations.
Themadmancox : I am going to say this one more time and all I ask is that you maintain and hold up to the Standard that you have set there is no platform in existence better than MOO MOO, you got that.
Themadmancox : the customizable function on the option chain is unprecedented, what else is there to be said.
iasktoomanyquestions : Cash account option would be nice.
iasktoomanyquestions iasktoomanyquestions : I know it wasn't on the choices up top, but having a margin account makes it difficult because of the day trade restrictions. Trading options with a cash account has been working amazing for me. I use this platform to watch and follow tickers and for the community. I'd like to also trade on here too.
Team moomoo OP iasktoomanyquestions : Thanks for your comments. Sorry that we currently do not support cash account trading options. Moomoo still welcomes you to use our functions or conduct transactions. Btw, could you please tell us which function will help you the most?
zoharrr :![undefined [undefined]](
Themadmancox iasktoomanyquestions : I never really thought about it I just basically accepted it how it is with this with this account I have other cash accounts but yeah cash account will be great
curetf Themadmancox : good
Themadmancox iasktoomanyquestions : this would be cool if they implemented that but I had to think about it I just started trading I don't have $25,000 in an account so, I trade with cash I just do not use the margin, but yet and still it is okay to have it there just to apply more leverage on my trades.
Themadmancox : I guess first and foremost which was one of the very deciding factors for me to choose mobile as my primary trading platform is that I'm able to customize my my strategies, the way that I'm able to monitor them my list goes on and on but for the most part customizable strategies.
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