Moo Moo Fam, this year has brought positive gains by analyzing buying levels and DCAing during the dips. Among my tech investments, META and NVIDIA have both provided the largest return. My suggestion is to continue to allocate funds to your brokage account on a set interval and establish alerts when prices reach your buying entry points. Studying the markets and DCAing during these next two quarters while inflation stabilizes and get ready for the next bull run. The market will continue to fluctuate, driven by global news and FED decisions. Have an exit plan, to take profits while in the green and buying low, and follow the rinse and repeat concept. Don't forget to establish a solid foundation by incorporating ETFs to your portfolio, comprising of diversified tech stocks. Focus on profitable corporations whose technology is required or will continue to be in high demand, no matter the turmoil. Learn from your investment mistakes and document these shortfalls to prevent similar outcomes.