Hathaway : Do you not know how to read technicals?
Iwanttolive OP Hathaway : Why trying to scold bro?
Hathaway Iwanttolive OP : lol... bro. Sounds like that's a no.
71342018 Hathaway : Indeed
The Brown Knight 71342018 : Down to .37 X 84,000 can we please get traction??? I don’t want to keep buying.
allen kidd The Brown Knight : wow
The Brown Knight allen kidd : Yeah, it sucks and I F’ed up buying Mullen too soon. But I’ve been buying 3-4000 a week to avg down. I’ll probably buy 10,000 next week if it stays this low.
Hathaway : Do you not know how to read technicals?
Iwanttolive OP Hathaway : Why trying to scold bro?
Hathaway Iwanttolive OP : lol... bro. Sounds like that's a no.
71342018 Hathaway : Indeed
The Brown Knight 71342018 : Down to .37 X 84,000 can we please get traction??? I don’t want to keep buying.
allen kidd The Brown Knight : wow
The Brown Knight allen kidd : Yeah, it sucks and I F’ed up buying Mullen too soon. But I’ve been buying 3-4000 a week to avg down. I’ll probably buy 10,000 next week if it stays this low.