Of course, in the United States, the majority of electric cars are used for commuting and grocery shopping, and they are charged at home every night, so there is usually no need to go to charging stations. But as long as the number of electric cars increases, there will be more demand. In addition, with the bullish policies of the old Biden, I don't think there will be any major problems in this industry.
高贵的阿德莱德 OP : Looking at the weekly chart, since the first wave of speculation, the stock price has always been in a downward channel, and I am also drunk
If you can't get out of this channel, then you can't keep up the low, then you have to run around 6.5 to find the bottom. However, I don't plan to reload my inventory, so let's just have fun.
AnnaH : Which listed companies are there for charging stations?
Backend : It's true that it fell into a dog, 8The block can't hold up I have to fall again.
Silverbat : profits may not so good for charging stations
高贵的阿德莱德 OP AnnaH : There is a summary in Futu, you can find it in the industry section
高贵的阿德莱德 OP Backend : It can only be treated as band speculation. When will it break out of this downward channel that has been going on for more than two years before it is considered an investment