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#Moo Army
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fakers gonna fake, scammers gonna scam....

In this world of ever-increasing options online, for shopping, business, socialising, finances etc its no wonder we are asked so often to verify our details. It keeps our accounts safe.
But in this world of ever increasing options for online SCAMMERS, following you from one platform to another is probably the easiest way to help them track you and your details
I saw a so-called reformed scammer give a basic summary - even if I could remember their name I wouldn't give them the fame for it lol- He basically said it started from a simple observation that many people do a good job to protect their details on some sites but freely give that exact info on social media so following them from one to another gives much more accurate "map of your identity"
Its pretty simple. The more info you give the more they simply collect.
Here in Aus we've had a lot of these types of scams recently. The kids asking parents for money via text seems so basic, but netted them millions. Then the more serious ones started flooding in from fake apps - like you have a legitimate enquiry from a legitimate source such as Google, Aus Post, Linkt road tolls, Amazon, AGL..... all somehow coming back to needing card info.... ffs even Medibank was hacked, had data stolen and ransomed. These guys steal data, collect data, then put that data together (which is much more scary) to use how they want.
If they're missing key info, they have the audacity 😤 to contact you posing as someone else, saying you're compromised or need to verify something. Sometimes they'll even befriend you long term for information looking for ways to get to your funds...or get you to part with it 'freely'.
Considering many of us have accounts for countless things we often need MANY passwords. Please don't use your names, children's names, pet names, birthdays, or any other personal info one could find on social media. Sounds easy but you'd be surprised how many of us do so, or reuse the same password in multiple sites 🤔
If you are contacted by anyone from any company or authority, they should leave you a name and ID number. Then you can usually verify this by calling that company directly and asking for them to check
- I got a scammer a while back who called me by phone saying my Microsoft account was hacked. I'm certainly not stupid but he had so much of my info that made me think he might be legit.. so I didn't hang up I asked for his ID number then had someone else call while I kept him on the phone. Turns out to be BS from the first number when they said "sorry our reps for that region have ID no's that start with a capital letter followed by the digits".
I did report it with as much info as I could-that's why they get so far cos no one wants to look or sound stupid, but that is the info they need to eventually catch them. Or at least stop them having an easy time 1. by making the public aware of their methods, and 2. the public making authorities aware of new methods being tried on them. It's great to see now also social platforms sharing all the scams tried and often the names of scam accounts. If something doesn't look or sound right, it usually isn't!
Stay safe 🙏
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