I'm holding to see what happens been in this for a while 1.15 average couldn't get into this account for over a month couldn't DCA , So hoping for this big buy out Has any stock ever gotten that big of a pay out per share? the 172-282 that would be crazy for some reason is hard to believe it , but hay I'm down for that does anyone know of a buy out like that before?
Starrystarry : Can’t buy here alrdy right
102475460 : u mean 172 to 282 dollars per share?
Jeff Wilhelm Jr 102475460 : He's been on this number for quite a while. Very large in between, but everyone had their own theories.
ZFRacing85 : I'm holding to see what happens been in this for a while 1.15 average couldn't get into this account for over a month couldn't DCA , So hoping for this big buy out Has any stock ever gotten that big of a pay out per share? the 172-282 that would be crazy for some reason is hard to believe it , but hay I'm down for that does anyone know of a buy out like that before?
Jeff Wilhelm Jr ZFRacing85 : pretty high, seems unlikely, but we will see.
Dusters : Yo what’s up boss
Dusters : Dusters here.
Dusters : Where’s the boss
Slug : They need to figure out the solution
Hambone OP Dusters : wow I just see this I haven't checked this I got AVCT in here too no many but some..I holding big now buddy
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