72967819 : Where did you pull this prediction from?!
OptionStrengthViewer : Nope
The Brown Knight OP : Funny….. it broke into the 29k about two hours after my post… and probably will see 28k by next Sunday
The Brown Knight OP : Lets go big and predict 27,000-28,000$ by the 23rd.
BULLLeverything : Agree. Drop bear.
MoonWalker777 The Brown Knight OP : I'm predicting close to 31000 within 2 weeks shill.
The Brown Knight OP MoonWalker777 : Oh no! What will I ever do? Someone of low IQ called me a”Shill”.
MoonWalker777 : So you got higher IQ? Don't think so retarded idiot. lol.
The Brown Knight OP MoonWalker777 : Haha!!!! It’s only Thur and we just broke into the 27k. Would you like to apologize???
The Brown Knight OP MoonWalker777 : I guess you are too manly for an apology
72967819 : Where did you pull this prediction from?!
OptionStrengthViewer : Nope
The Brown Knight OP : Funny….. it broke into the 29k about two hours after my post…

and probably will see 28k by next Sunday
The Brown Knight OP : Lets go big and predict 27,000-28,000$ by the 23rd.
BULLLeverything : Agree. Drop bear.
MoonWalker777 The Brown Knight OP : I'm predicting close to 31000 within 2 weeks shill.
The Brown Knight OP MoonWalker777 : Oh no! What will I ever do? Someone of low IQ called me a”Shill”.
MoonWalker777 : So you got higher IQ? Don't think so retarded idiot. lol.
The Brown Knight OP MoonWalker777 : Haha!!!! It’s only Thur and we just broke into the 27k. Would you like to apologize???
The Brown Knight OP MoonWalker777 : I guess you are too manly for an apology