101740965 : Account - Funds - Cashplus
102128712 OP 101740965 : Doesn't let me redeem it
Moo Money Moo 102128712 OP : tap on fullerton sgd cash fund below cashplus. you will see 3 options at the bpttom- subscribe/RSP/redeem.
102128712 OP Moo Money Moo : Only the other 2 show, redeem doesn't show
101740965 : Account - Funds - Cashplus
102128712 OP 101740965 : Doesn't let me redeem it
Moo Money Moo 102128712 OP : tap on fullerton sgd cash fund below cashplus. you will see 3 options at the bpttom- subscribe/RSP/redeem.
102128712 OP Moo Money Moo : Only the other 2 show, redeem doesn't show