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Matters in investment

1. Seeing is believing
Staying in the market, the most important thing is to understand the market, which is driven by various factors including fundamentals, market games, liquidity, expectations, etc. When you only focus on one-sided information and think you are right, you will make mistakes.
Respecting the market and respecting trends is always the most important thing. Because most of the time our views and predictions are wrong, not because we are not smart enough, even the smartest people in the world cannot predict the future.
Fortunately, although predicting is difficult, validating is simple. Any prediction must be validated by the market for its correctness, and any strategy must be determined for its effectiveness in the market. This is not only true in investment markets, but also in life, work, and entrepreneurship.
Seeing is believing also includes judging trends based on what you see, without falling into the psychological anchoring effect.
2. Unity of Knowledge and Action
Knowledge is your cognition, action is the realization of cognition.
Not having a plan is the first issue, not having a trading plan is the second issue. Not having a trading plan has two meanings, one is not trading according to a plan, the other is trading without a plan, both will result in your trades being outside the plan.
Many people understand the importance of planning, but still do not do it. This is still an issue of awareness, fundamentally believing that planning is not important.
Planning and trading are the most important things, so go ahead and make your trading plan now.
3. Long and short thinking coexisting
Do not blindly go long or short, you can choose to only go long in trading, but your thinking must be long and short coexisting. Think about both going long and short, and how things would be in the worst-case scenario.
Because the worst-case scenario will always come. When it arrives, bottom-line thinking can help you safely get through the difficulties.
4. Independent thinking
Do not believe in any so-called gods, investing is an art not a science, it is a systemized thing, even closely related to one's personality, what works for others may not necessarily work for you, what others think is right may not be right for yourself.
So everything needs to be independently considered and judged, forming your own trading system that suits your personality, doing things within your own capabilities, and thinking about what you are good at.
5. Proper Attribution
Some people are bearish on Tencent because Pony Ma did not attend the two sessions, while others have been long on Intel just because it will not go out of business.
Random attribution is very common. Inaccurate attribution is essentially due to incomplete cognition, and the market is complex and intertwined. It may not always be possible to find the true cause. Often, it's purely based on technical analysis.
Incorrect attribution will reinforce incorrect cognition, and on the path of correct cognition, everyone is a practitioner.
6. Learn to Trade
You can be a value investor or a long-term investor, but this does not mean you do not need to trade. Regardless of the investment period, it is essentially a trade and requires finding the best buying and selling opportunities.
Do not be afraid to trade, trading makes people grow. Holding without acting through bull and bear markets is not value investing, and not even a qualified investment strategy.
7. Review and summarize.
The most important thing in investing, if only one thing is mentioned, is to review and summarize. Because without reviewing, you will keep making the same mistakes. Although the road is long, as long as you do not repeat the same path, you will eventually succeed.
Now immediately open your notebook and write down everything you see and think about each day, your own and others' mistakes and experiences.
You don't necessarily have to make mistakes yourself, other people's mistakes can also help you progress. The errors of others can be stepping stones for your success.
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