104152336 : Going to bankrupt soon what is the motivation to buy ..
standalee31 104152336 : short squeeze but it's a gamble, may happen may not happen
104152336 standalee31 : I see the volume is increasing still ..why ..
Mark McG 104152336 : fake news articles have been saying they're going bankrupt for months. they convenient publish them every time the stock starts pumping. all bullish narrative.
104152336 : Going to bankrupt soon what is the motivation to buy ..
standalee31 104152336 : short squeeze but it's a gamble, may happen may not happen
104152336 standalee31 : I see the volume is increasing still ..why ..
Mark McG 104152336 : fake news articles have been saying they're going bankrupt for months. they convenient publish them every time the stock starts pumping. all bullish narrative.