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Share your thoughts on the new Stock Quotes page!
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Testing moomoo BETA interface

Recently I was invited to participate in the moomoo WIP interface/ BETA Version.  The information in the Detailed Quotes page has been reduced for a cleaner aesthetic. 
Testing moomoo BETA interface
Left: Old layout (Current interface), Right: New interface 
(PS: I have renamed the stocks because I am a newbie; so don't follow me, and the other one is I follow shifu and my sisters buy one. Don't follow me or blame me if you want to gamble, or toh. The stock is extremely high volatility. I DD a bit only.)
Image is for illustration purpose. Please do your due diligence before you purchase any stocks :)
Image is for illustration purpose. Please do your due diligence before you purchase any stocks :)
Positive Feedback/ The first Impression of the new version compared to the old version/ What I like about the first glance when I clicked onto the interface is: 
1. Wow! So much neater! 
Image is for illustration purpose. Please do your due diligence before you purchase any stocks :)
Image is for illustration purpose. Please do your due diligence before you purchase any stocks :)
The BETA version is neat and aesthetically appealing. The price of the stock is the main focus point. The “Detailed Quotes” has been removed, focusing on the name of the price of the stock then its name.
A lot of the non-critical information is being hidden to improve the clarity of the page. This can be expanded if needed.
2. A better clarity 
The TA (Technical Analysis) information and fundamentals have split into Chart and Company tab. There is a ticker selection. You can select on the screen.  We have two charting mode to choose from: Mode A and Mode B; the default display is a line chart and the horizontal axis represents the selected time frame which helps to optimize user experience. I do not have to scroll down to check if I select the ticker.
Image is for illustration purpose. Please do your due diligence before you purchase any stocks :)
Image is for illustration purpose. Please do your due diligence before you purchase any stocks :)
3. Visual hierarchy / User experience 
The main focus is on the price of the stock for each company.
Image is for illustration purpose. Please do your due diligence before you purchase any stocks :)
Image is for illustration purpose. Please do your due diligence before you purchase any stocks :)
The top header is shifted down, just above the Chart. When I clicked on the Comments, News, and Company, I will still be able to view the price of the stock, I do not need to fear that I have to click back to the Quote site.
Testing moomoo BETA interface
4. New features
Some tiny features are added in such as drawing lines on vertical screen, "long press" indicators icon to edit, and "long press" line drawing tools to bookmark the ones you like etc for a better experience. 
Left is split into half is because I selected Ticker from the setting.
Left is split into half is because I selected Ticker from the setting.
Left: Circle is the Toolbox.
Middle: Options from the Toolbox to select.
Right: You can compare the charts with other stocks that are similar.
The Toolbox have some features for us to select.
Testing moomoo BETA interface
Left: Circle is the Drawing Tools.
Middle: Options from the Drawing Tools is select.
Right: I typed “moomoo” in the chart.
Drawing Tools have a lot of features for us to select.
Testing moomoo BETA interface
You can also choose the line colours, whether you want the chart to look like candle sticks, mountain etc (existing features).
I prefer this new BETA version because it has so much clarity as compared to the current layout.
1. Chart section (Chart, Comments, News, Fund) 
For consistency, I would Bold when the user clicked onto it. I need not to Italic, "speed" highlight/ underline. 
Eg. Chart not Chart or Chart
If I want to underline, I will go with opacity 100%, unless the interface for the stock has italic. I think its redundant. 
2. Tiny features 
I hope moomoo can add in similar tiny features, when I clicked on the B, S, or TA. I am able to view how much I bought and sell it. 
Earlier a 牛友 assisted me to click. 
3. Moomoo cow
I prefer the baby cow than the teenager cow. He looks "skinnier", like not well fed, grow up teenager cow, look like Balloon to me. 
Testing moomoo BETA interface
I still prefer the baby cow, more meat, more 3D version. Gain more weight = gain more wealth. 
Testing moomoo BETA interface
If moomoo want to hire me to design the moomoo cow and upcoming merchandise, please feel free to get in touch with me. Happy to travel to china to work hehe. 
To be honest, I have a few ideas in mind. 
How about a 12 zodiac moomoo plush toys - so the 12 zodiac is in jacket form and it can be changable wear/ 换衣服 like the Oppa sunglass or how about astrology moomoo collectible toy? 
Ok I will stop for now, not to go off topic. 
If you are interested to help moomoo to do some testings for free extra points, please feel free to reach out to them. 
Many thanks to 牛友 @snoopy123 and @doctorpot1 for your help !! 
Have a nice weekend everyone ! 
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