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New Layout: FA, TA or options? Choose your pill, or take them all

$Futu Holdings Ltd(FUTU.US)$ have always been actively listening to our feedbacks to improve their system. In an upcoming update, the user interface (UI) for Moo Moo will be changed for the better Now, all the tools that are available in Moo Moo are well organised instead of it being all over the place. All the tools for TA are now in Chart, tools for FA is in Company, and tools for Options are in Options. Now let's explore on the improvement
Difference between the layout
Difference between the layout
Once we open the app and click on any stock, we can see that the stock price and important information such as the highest & lowest price, and volume is the key focus. Seeing big green number on my new employer $FedEx(FDX.US)$ makes me happy Pray for big big bonus The biggest improvement here is that the most important information that we need to know quickly, is getting so much more attention and is so much easier to find.
Improvement in the home page
Improvement in the home page
Chart Settings changes
Chart Settings
Chart Settings
What is important to note is that the chart options are now organised into icons, which makes the interface cleaner and sleeker. One important thing to note is that the tools to be used for advance charting, have been consolidated into the "toolbox" icon. There is a new Chart Settings option that allows us to customise our charts based on our needs. I do foresee that Moo Moo will be adding a lot more customisation setting in the future, as these settings is in a list, so adding more customisation settings will be easier.
Important changes to make (Mode A or B)
When we first get the update, the most important setting to change first is the Period Preference. This will impact the time scale that we will see in our charts. There are 2 modes, Mode A and Mode B. Mode A is the old setting, Mode B is a new setting.
Difference between Mode A and Mode B
Difference between Mode A and Mode B
In Mode B, we can easily change from line chart to candle stick to Heikin Ashi by clicking the candle icon. However, the time scale availability will change according to the line type. i.e. for Candle stick line type we won't be able to see Full hours chart, we need to change it into line chart before we can see the Full Hours chart. This might be helpful for Technical Traders who need to keep changing the chart line type for analysis. But seriously, who do charting on mobile right Therefore, as an Asian, I prefer Mode A .
TA, FA or options: take your pick
The other big improvement in the new UI is that the tools are organised by roles. If we like the Technical Analysis role, all the tools we need are in the Chart section. Be it checking the short sales analysis, to sentiment analysis, to drawing of charts. For those of us who are more into Fundemental Analysis role, all the tools we need are in the Company section. From the company's financial trend, to their current valuation metrics. Last but not least, for the Options Trading role, all the tools we need are all in the Options section. From unusual options activities, to open interest, and volatility analysis. It is all there for us to use. Let's look at the improvement role by role.
The Charting people who love TA
One of the key improvement to the new UI is the organisation of the tool. This is especially hard because on mobile the screen's space is limited.
New organisation of TA Indicators for easier configuration and access
New organisation of TA Indicators for easier configuration and access
So instead of scrolling endlessly to find the indicators we want to put on our chart, now with a click on a indicator icon, we can select all the indicators we want on the chart. With this, we can analyse for swing trade much quicker. Want to look at the SAR, MA, PSY and NINE on $Alphabet-C(GOOG.US)$ after the "ChatGPT ads blunder"? Click all of them and you can see it easily.
Easy to toggle better TA by singe clicking on the charts (requires you to set it as a chart setting)
Easy to toggle better TA by singe clicking on the charts (requires you to set it as a chart setting)
If having too many indicators are confusing for us, we can turn on the setting to have the indicators on the chart changes to a different one whenever we click on the chart. Clean and easy to use, especially on a small tiny mobile device.
New Layout: FA, TA or options? Choose your pill, or take them all
Moo Moo now also allow us to draw on the chart easily too. By clicking on the pencil icon, we get a range of easy to use drawing tools to draw on the charts. Want to add 10 support line on $Microsoft(MSFT.US)$? Sure, click on the horizontal Line too and click where you want your lines to be.
New Layout: FA, TA or options? Choose your pill, or take them all
The Sentiment Indicator and Short Sales Analysis are also now in the chart section. So for momentum traders, we can see scroll down to understand the sentiment on the stock, then scroll back up to analyse the chart, before firing our shots. We can see the short sellers' moves and make the $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ shorts sell pay the price, when the indicators are right
The Numbers people who love FA
The greatest improvement to the new UI for fundemental analysis is that everything we need is in the Company section. In the past we have to go to Analysis section to find out the Institutional Holdings, go to Financial section to analyse the numbers, and the Summary section to look at the company's details. Now all of that are in 1 section.
All the company's details are now in the company tab
All the company's details are now in the company tab
With so many YouTubers' pushing $Alibaba(BABA.US)$ ( $BABA-SW(09988.HK)$) stock online, we can now easily look at the company's financial to make a decision if it is a good company or not. Furthermore, for those who only believe in FA and do not believe in TA, we can change the chart Height to 1, so that the chart do not take up so much screen space
New Layout: FA, TA or options? Choose your pill, or take them all
The position setup people who love Options
For those of us, who love to use options to build complex setup to hedge our existing position or to create complex structure to gain maximum leverage. Nothing much have changed other than having the volatility analysis charts. We still can look at the option chains and trade options as usual.
New Layout: FA, TA or options? Choose your pill, or take them all
The usual tool like Open Interest analysis is still there. During expiry date, if there is a huge number of open interest, the price of the stock do have some tendency to move towards the closest strike price of the most sold options. So if we had want to trade option on $Palantir(PLTR.US)$, we could analyse such data. For the theta gang, who wants to milk the most out of theta, can analyse the Volatility charts to find the most attractive options to sell.
New Layout: FA, TA or options? Choose your pill, or take them all
I think that this new UI is a great step forward, as it makes information gathering so much faster and easier. I would suggest Moo Moo to change the orange underline on the selected sections because that design is so old school and it kind of cheapen the look and feel of the app Hope that the option's volatility analysis will remain available for free too @Team moomoo @Mooers Lab @Joyce 丶丿
So everyone do update your application if you like to get this new UI, and try it out for yourself hope the new look will mean a new beginning of a crazy bull run so that we all can HUAT BIG BIG TOGETHER
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