Cardinal-BagHolder : Hes been outed and about to lose the war on retail. His buddies will lose their asses and come looking for his neck!
The Brown Knight OP Cardinal-BagHolder : Lets hope!
The Brown Knight OP Cardinal-BagHolder : The #1 problem is - they have time to reformat a new plan.
Cardinal-BagHolder The Brown Knight OP : They have time but its almost up. Banks want their money. Which its gone. So one way or the other, the market is FUBAR
Cardinal-BagHolder : Hes been outed and about to lose the war on retail. His buddies will lose their asses and come looking for his neck!
The Brown Knight OP Cardinal-BagHolder : Lets hope!
The Brown Knight OP Cardinal-BagHolder : The #1 problem is - they have time to reformat a new plan.
Cardinal-BagHolder The Brown Knight OP : They have time but its almost up. Banks want their money. Which its gone. So one way or the other, the market is FUBAR