Lucky777 : smart
earning cash : You're right.
WSBets : I don’t understand what’s going on. EPS and revenue both were good. How come it plummeted
小孔呀 : It's all capitalist's games
OceansWave WSBets : Meta and Microsoft exceeded the expectations.. AMZ execs are useless in presenting the situation.
Jack J OP OceansWave : I can only say that AMZ executives didn't tell good stories
Lucky777 : smart
earning cash : You're right.
WSBets : I don’t understand what’s going on. EPS and revenue both were good. How come it plummeted
小孔呀 : It's all capitalist's games
OceansWave WSBets : Meta and Microsoft exceeded the expectations.. AMZ execs are useless in presenting the situation.
Jack J OP OceansWave : I can only say that AMZ executives didn't tell good stories