I wwould've got in yesterday at 30-50 range and sold same day for 100-200$ range sorry mate , tthat's how I got caught in the ucar thing holding to long , gains like that should be sold within the hour never hold over night
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
lionkingdom : Careful
BAG-HOLDER : oh man! Good luck.
Shroomie : how many shares is that my friend?
convivial Pumpkin_93 : Bad luck.. better don't involve into such manipulations
groggy : Chinese trap…They will cut more.Regret
NickSaSa : sell and cut will not go 200 again
NickSaSa : start cutting vegetable liao
KyngYoshTv :
I wwould've got in yesterday at 30-50 range and sold same day for 100-200$ range sorry mate , tthat's how I got caught in the ucar thing holding to long , gains like that should be sold within the hour never hold over night
IrishJohn HSS : I would hold off on averaging down, hoping you bought 1 share
Cat army OP IrishJohn HSS : I put all money in it
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