Bulldozer : you must not understand the pending news about to drop... good luck to you. your about to get rekt
Biff : Ok. I'll fall for your Troll post
Anthony tan81 : lol love the vote results
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP : rigged
Biff : Panda Troll. I see you votes for yourself. 4% LMAO
Biff : Panda Troll. How many different names do you post on Webull with? I'm betting about 3-4. I have one.
Biff xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP : BS
Biff : Panda Poop. It's looking bad for you. Better create some more names so you can vote more for yourself. LMAO. Damm Troll
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP Biff : the poll is obviously rigged by you're paid short squeeze promoter employees
Biff xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP : LMAO. You created it Panda PooP
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Bulldozer : you must not understand the pending news about to drop... good luck to you. your about to get rekt
Biff : Ok. I'll fall for your Troll post
Anthony tan81 : lol love the vote results
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP : rigged
Biff : Panda Troll. I see you votes for yourself. 4% LMAO
Biff : Panda Troll. How many different names do you post on Webull with? I'm betting about 3-4. I have one.
Biff xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP : BS
Biff : Panda Poop. It's looking bad for you. Better create some more names so you can vote more for yourself. LMAO. Damm Troll
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP Biff : the poll is obviously rigged by you're paid short squeeze promoter employees
Biff xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP : LMAO. You created it Panda PooP
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