I’m selling put , so i didn’t pay anything , I earn the premium from peoples that buying put option . Im guessing Im either lost the share that going to assign take the premium, or just take the premium, since there won’t be any share that I can assign ?
乐悠悠 : What about the underlying stock?
poor guy : Priced at 1.899USD, can't be traded
70108039 : I got puts due this Friday too ....want sell can't sell it 0 now WTF
102597866 70108039 : Just don’t execute puts lor. At most lose ur profits. So many ppl here crying because they own shares here. Be considerate.
73398113 OP 103860063 : I’m selling put , so i didn’t pay anything , I earn the premium from peoples that buying put option . Im guessing Im either lost the share that going to assign take the premium, or just take the premium, since there won’t be any share that I can assign ?
103860063 73398113 OP : oh im sorry misread your comment. cant advise further, have u tried calling moomoo helpdesk?
Littlespazo : please share your outcome after you speak to customer service. im also interested to know
game1980 : if u are short put
u either get assigned and u pay to get the shares
or it expire and u got lucky
Lywlu : what do u mean this friday. isnt it suspended for weeks maybe months
awang2001 73398113 OP : many people still have shares on hand.