The secret to buying valuable stocks is to look for stocks that have shown consistent growth over the past 10 years, with a dividend yield of 2-3%. Stocks like Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, McDonald's, Amgen, buy at each dip and sell at the peak when you need money. Long-term investing is that simple.
Papanice : Aren't you losing interest and losing the stock price now?
双掌齐鸣笑大盘 Papanice : This one-year dividend is 0.9 percent of the stock price, and the risk is only in the first 2 years. The winner is to hold this kind of high-interest ticket for a long time
ColdJoke 双掌齐鸣笑大盘 : In the era where shipping was not profitable, there was a debt-for-equity swaps restructuring in 2014 (bad thing). But now that a healthy financial structure has been established, there is very little real debt. There are more than 100 ships in the fleet, and we own less than 10 ships. The others are all long-term charters. A ship is a financial product similar to a fixed income that is sold to asset management. If we enter the shipping winter season again, Lai Pi will return the rent, just lose a fraction of the deposit. It doesn't matter that much money to maintain ten boats. This financial put isn't cheap, but I like it
双掌齐鸣笑大盘 ColdJoke : The business acumen of the Jews should not be underestimated. Take advantage of the current stock price correction and quickly collect cheap chips