Tawsif : I got calls! Let’s see
Andre88888888 OP Tawsif : Goodluck bro!
Tawsif Andre88888888 OP : Need that lol
Blazethebeagle : Long Amd since 2017 just sit back grab popcorn and watch haha
Andre88888888 OP Blazethebeagle : Haha wa balls of steel. I used to long amd but the volume kinda shiet
Blazethebeagle : Didn’t sell when it dropped to 54 so why would I panic now holding till $200 to sell half
Andre88888888 OP Blazethebeagle : Hats off to you bud
Tawsif : I got calls! Let’s see
Andre88888888 OP Tawsif : Goodluck bro!
Tawsif Andre88888888 OP : Need that lol
Blazethebeagle : Long Amd since 2017 just sit back grab popcorn and watch haha
Andre88888888 OP Blazethebeagle : Haha wa balls of steel. I used to long amd but the volume kinda shiet
Blazethebeagle : Didn’t sell when it dropped to 54 so why would I panic now holding till $200 to sell half
Andre88888888 OP Blazethebeagle : Hats off to you bud