sanglehoang : Can't sell from my end. don't know how to sell as well
102597866 : Must change to regular trading session. Choose market price too
Okiee : Lower the price then you can sell it
john wee OP 102597866 : Tried it, there are no regular modes to choose
john wee OP Okiee : I also tried it and it didn't work, it also showed an operation error
skyjun750 : The stock price was delayed by 15 minutes, and the agency cut off the chives
skyjun750 : The real price now is 0.354
潜力股火热招商中 : Try another brokerage
john wee OP : Thank you for selling it
Charles Zhuang : Place a new order to sell for the same or part of the amount of shares you bought
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sanglehoang : Can't sell from my end. don't know how to sell as well
102597866 : Must change to regular trading session. Choose market price too
Okiee : Lower the price then you can sell it
john wee OP 102597866 : Tried it, there are no regular modes to choose
john wee OP Okiee : I also tried it and it didn't work, it also showed an operation error
skyjun750 : The stock price was delayed by 15 minutes, and the agency cut off the chives
skyjun750 : The real price now is 0.354
潜力股火热招商中 : Try another brokerage
john wee OP : Thank you for selling it
Charles Zhuang : Place a new order to sell for the same or part of the amount of shares you bought
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