ImYrDaddyGr8est : ouch, it's holding 9-10 so If I were you I'd sell if it go below 9.
Danieltroen : I think it’s a good stock for mornjngs
Rivera : Hold them
_Joker_ : don't sell, they will just poach your losses...we need to hold through the storm so the Criminals don't win. To clarify I am not speaking about anyone here in this comment section specifically but the actual culprit/group behind it.
Rivera : Add more sr bottown
DrC 504 : Hold the manipulation will be over soon. Monday will be a new day.
Mulkunadu OP : Thanks for suggesting I will hold
K R North : average down now and hold.
ShadedPearl : I’m holding
Mafiosa818 :
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ImYrDaddyGr8est : ouch, it's holding 9-10 so If I were you I'd sell if it go below 9.
Danieltroen : I think it’s a good stock for mornjngs
Rivera : Hold them
_Joker_ : don't sell, they will just poach your losses...we need to hold through the storm so the Criminals don't win. To clarify I am not speaking about anyone here in this comment section specifically but the actual culprit/group behind it.
Rivera : Add more sr bottown
DrC 504 : Hold the manipulation will be over soon. Monday will be a new day.
Mulkunadu OP : Thanks for suggesting I will hold
K R North : average down now and hold.
ShadedPearl : I’m holding
Mafiosa818 :
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