OK, now that I'm done laughing, let me break it down. The economy is wrecked, there is no soft landing, and there is only future pain. The FED can either try to tame inflation (not possible during DEGLOBALIZATION, if we are going to make our own products the cost of moving manufacturing and supply is increased and is no longer offset by cheaper labor, in other words the US can no longer export inflation). So the FED is left to bring a number down that can not be brought down, not to 2%, not ever. They will not say this until there is no choice (funny how government works that way.) Everything the government wants to change goes from "That's a terrible idea and the people will never accept that" to "The new rules for XYZ have been released by government agency XYZ." THIS IS THE WAY IT IS AND YOU HAVE NO CHOICE. your choice was taken away in 1913 and again in 1973. Now, you have no property nor rights and no recourse to an overpowering uncontrolled government. Don't believe me, answer this question: Who do you turn to when the government says you're guilty against it? Who will hear your complaint? Who will decide your fate? What choice do you the individual actually have? Do you have the ability to not comply? I worked managing government grant and loan money, and you are told where that money goes, no matter how corrupt stupid redundant or unnecessary that money is. As an example, I managed a 300-million dollar project that the citizens voted down on 3 separate occasions. It was never passed or approved. Yet it was built at taxpayer expense. Who decided that? the local government did, and what recourse did the people have? none, what are they going to do? Who do they complain to? Their property taxes just go up, and they pay it or go to jail. What a free country we live in. And just so I can dash any hope of it getting better. Taxes are only going up, as the neverending quest for more money continues. As the dollar gets devalued globally (a result of DEGLOBALIZATION, as less and less countries hold dollars in the form of treasuries) the money to sustain the 32 trillion dollars of debt must increasingly come from the US citizenship. Once again, another real reason for an open border, the US needs workers (we've become too arrogant to work labor/service jobs) and an increased tax base (they WILL NOT TAX THE RICH, EVER, PERIOD, THE END, any politician claiming they will lies. they've said it for 70 years and never done it, Biden even gave them tax breaks by reinstating SALT). This is the future, and it is bleak and certain. Get what you can, while you can before there is nothing left. This leads me to my other plea, grow your own food, if you can do nothing else, find a way to grow your own food, or join a food co-op. These are great communities of growers trading and selling their goods between each other... Get a duel citizenship if you're an American citizen. The US won't honor it, but who cares? You need options to go to when the US locks down. "But iam the US could never lock citizens in" again who's going to challenge them, and during covid they did, and you were all on board with it. All they have to do is declare another emergency. Maybe we can't fly because of climate change? who knows how they will do it? Just know they will do it. America is a giant penal colony. You just haven't realized it yet. There's a warden with prison guards and they use the prisoners to keep the rest of the prisoners in line. America never stopped being a slave colony, when we vote we are presented two options that keep us a slave colony.
iamiam OP Mooooney : I said there are bearish divergences and the top could be in, I always expected it to complete the sequence up to 330, I didn't know if it would but expect it to. the market is in a topping cycle. tqqq will top out soon, sqqq has future upside. it's still a short the rally. the market has been topping for over a month now. it needs to build up liquidity so it can go down, there is no telling how long that takes.
TinkerB3ll : Where do you see UNG bottom? :)
iamiam OP TinkerB3ll : here, maybe it dips below 6, but this is my buy range
icezzz : Thanks sharing with us … lots of info to digest
TinkerB3ll iamiam OP : Thank you your the best :)
102235596 : Thanks always for sharing your analysis! We appreciate it.
I’m of the same view that QQQ would have more downside in the near term - late this week / next week - would you say that this is when it makes its big move down? Or will it be stretched for another 2-3 months maybe
iamiam OP 102235596 : it seems a lot of people expect it to draw out all the way into summer. I think it's sooner. but we might stay above 300 until summer then fail, I could see that. breaking supports and filling the gap at 309 and 301 and stalling. it depends what cpi/ppi says. if we can get to 330 in the next 2 days I believe we go down hard after that
Seraphicall iamiam OP : Your analyses are good
iamiam OP Seraphicall :
Ben 23 iamiam OP : Are you position in shorts SQQQ now or waiting for the market to make the move on CPI results this weds. Thanks for the technical analysis, seems like you have a crystal ball at hand to tell you how the market is moving.![undefined [undefined]](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/default/default-black.png?imageMogr2/thumbnail/36x36)
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