Dwight K Schrute : What in the fuck haha
Notorious DAVe : Wild! But oh it’s a bank play we can’t see it… respect Amy
Dwight K Schrute : Why was it doing that?
AmyNic OP Dwight K Schrute : It was orders from premarket probably
Dwight K Schrute AmyNic OP : That’s so wierd wth
AmyNic OP Dwight K Schrute : Yeah this stock has done it a few times
VICIOUS INVESTORS : So pacw may jump tomorrow?
AmyNic OP VICIOUS INVESTORS : It doesn't appear that way
Dwight K Schrute : What in the fuck haha
Notorious DAVe : Wild! But oh it’s a bank play we can’t see it… respect Amy
Dwight K Schrute : Why was it doing that?
AmyNic OP Dwight K Schrute : It was orders from premarket probably
Dwight K Schrute AmyNic OP : That’s so wierd wth
AmyNic OP Dwight K Schrute : Yeah this stock has done it a few times
VICIOUS INVESTORS : So pacw may jump tomorrow?
AmyNic OP VICIOUS INVESTORS : It doesn't appear that way