(Think about a lighthouse strategy like this. You own, say, a painting company. You want to attract customers, so you start contracts out with families. One of those families is bound to know someone who owns a larger corporation, or maybe they even own their own company. The hope is, by doing a good enough job through innovation and philanthropy, you are able to demonstrate the value of your company to attract other clients, companies, or in the case of the market, investors. If all goes well, different clients will catch wind about the great output you provide, along with customer satisfaction, and now a sea of new clients are docking at the shores of your company. By positioning yourself amongst the eyes of other sailors, or organizations, you will begin to establish frequent customers, or visitors, who wish to learn more or do business with you. In the case of C3: 3M, Royal Dutch Shell, and the US Airforce all anchored down at the C3 lighthouse.)
AkLi OP : Thank you for reading!
Jdwcapital : Will be very interesting to see their Q4 financials, I think the AI wave is only just beginning. C3 has begun establishing itself in the commercial and enterprise sector of the developing AI industry, with their massive range of clients including the US Defence. Currently, a very volatile stock, hopefully C3AI will cement itself as a strong player in the future AI technology space. Very good read, thanks mate.
AkLi OP Jdwcapital : I agree! I earnings come in good then this stock may become very liquid
Jdwcapital AkLi OP : My rationale is hold until earnings, although the temptation the current highs bring to sell is very appealing. I am curious as to how the potential of the US defaulting on the 1st of June will influence C3 and other stocks over the coming days. Hopefully it does not affect the earnings report will have on the price.
AkLi OP : Yus
74164542 : This was very informative and handy. Thank yuo for the dip dive.