Mac10 : Typicall a few days after your deposit is settled. But they freeze the "free stocks" and won't unfreeze them until you've maintained a 60-day average asset of $100 or more.
RedOrGreenIBank OP : thank you. their info was a little confusing.
Mac10 : Yeah, Still waiting on mine to unfreeze. Once they do, I'm going to liquidate those 13 shares and go get a burger with the funds.
RedOrGreenIBank OP : lol.but I don't even see it in my redeem option.
RedOrGreenIBank OP : in my rewards tab
1vontpi : this was an awesome stock to get invested,got a 100 shares now it's off to the races
Mac10 : Typicall a few days after your deposit is settled. But they freeze the "free stocks" and won't unfreeze them until you've maintained a 60-day average asset of $100 or more.
RedOrGreenIBank OP : thank you. their info was a little confusing.
Mac10 : Yeah, Still waiting on mine to unfreeze. Once they do, I'm going to liquidate those 13 shares and go get a burger with the funds.
RedOrGreenIBank OP : lol.
but I don't even see it in my redeem option.
RedOrGreenIBank OP : in my rewards tab
1vontpi : this was an awesome stock to get invested,got a 100 shares now it's off to the races