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Moomoo Malaysia: Let's build a better financial future together!
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Welcome to fellow investors across the Causeway!

Congrats to moomoo on expanding to Malaysia!
Welcome to fellow investors across the Causeway!
A warm welcome to new Malaysian moomoo members. Time sure flies. It seems like it was just yesterday when I heard that moomoo was having a soft launch in Singapore. I have been using the moomoo platform for almost 2.5 years. During this time, I have interacted with some Malaysians who opened a Singapore moomoo account. While they were happy with the welcome rewards and the powerful features of the moomoo app, some were disappointed they were not able to participate in the merchandise redemption because their residential address was in Malaysia. Looks like this is about to change, which is great news!
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moomoo makes it easy for investors to access the latest financial news (Discover > News).
Welcome to fellow investors across the Causeway!
You can find educational videos and tutorials at Discover > Learn.
Welcome to fellow investors across the Causeway!
You can also tap on the opinions of fellow moomoo members by using the magnifying glass to search for the symbol of the stock you are interested in and then tap on the Comments tab. To post your own comment or question, go to Discover > Moo > click on the orange pen at the lower right corner. Remember to type $ to select the relevant stock that you want to tag so others can see your post. Clicking on the small heart adds the stock to your watchlist.
Welcome to fellow investors across the Causeway!
Welcome to fellow investors across the Causeway!
moomoo has also introduced many new features in response to user feedback. One of the most popular is the ability to join groups with specific topics of interest so you can chat with like-minded individuals. If you don’t find a suitable group, you can also create your own.
Welcome to fellow investors across the Causeway!
This is an official group by moomoo that provides education on investing: Welcome to join the official Learn Premium Group for free🥳
This reminds me, as Moomoo is always improving the user interface, I really need to find time to look through and update some of the FAQs I wrote in the past. Here’s sharing some of them.
Need help with translating English posts to Chinese or vice versa? The moomoo app has a pretty handy auto-translation function https://www.moomoo.com/community/feed/106705534189574?lang_code=2
For the various ways of reaching Customer Service, read this post https://www.moomoo.com/community/feed/106193669259270?lang_code=2
May you embark on an enjoyable investment experience with the expanding international moomoo community!
Welcome to fellow investors across the Causeway!
Disclaimer: The above sharing is for educational purposes. It is not financial advice or a recommendation to invest. Please consult a financial advisor and consider your investment objectives, financial needs, financial position and risk profile before making any investment decision.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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