$ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas (BOIL.US)$ It's alrea...
$ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natural Gas (BOIL.US)$It's already very good to eat the bottom warehouse from 2.8 to 3.5. At this point, two ways of thinking are to clear the warehouse and make a profit. Another type is that you have to endure the return of profit from the boil, take the long line on the right, and slowly scavenge for the wool: take profit for a small portion of the position when it soars, but increase the position after it plummets to a critical point. Inventory was lower than expected, and the weather was getting hotter, and the news seemed to run out for at least a week. Today is considered a K-line statement, but according to Boil's temper in the past, it's unlikely that people chasing the trend will be able to eat meat. I hope this time the trend will be more normal.
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Since I still have quite a bit of money to withdraw from Kold and Boil's take-profit, I have enough bullets to add positions without pressure, so I chose the latter, but today I'll talk about a small portion of take-profit
Kold protection can be used today; it looks like a chase army is on the rise. There is no problem with catching up, but I often like those that catch up at high levels and can't stand high level oscillations. No new posts, lest chives know
Naked K looks like Boil is probably working as a channel like Kold last year. If this is the case, it is a strong upward trend. Let's see if it pulls back to the bottom edge of the channel and can pull it one more time
Looking at the main list, there are quite a few boils flowing out, and there is still a large inflow of kold ones (relative value). According to the rules of the past, bookmakers like to pull up when there are a lot of big orders, and when the inflow is too big, they let the fat cows sit for a few days.
jigsaw OP : Since I still have quite a bit of money to withdraw from Kold and Boil's take-profit, I have enough bullets to add positions without pressure, so I chose the latter, but today I'll talk about a small portion of take-profit
paperhands101 : bull's trap. everyone takes profit.
Crefuthope : Direct profit is better to buy undervalued US stocks
jigsaw OP : Kold protection can be used today; it looks like a chase army is on the rise. There is no problem with catching up, but I often like those that catch up at high levels and can't stand high level oscillations. No new posts, lest chives know
jigsaw OP : Kold made a small profit and was withdrawn. Because of options, it's not that easy for Kold to get to 60. Continue to hold onto the Nation
jigsaw OP : Naked K looks like Boil is probably working as a channel like Kold last year. If this is the case, it is a strong upward trend. Let's see if it pulls back to the bottom edge of the channel and can pull it one more time
jigsaw OP : Looking at the main list, there are quite a few boils flowing out, and there is still a large inflow of kold ones (relative value). According to the rules of the past, bookmakers like to pull up when there are a lot of big orders, and when the inflow is too big, they let the fat cows sit for a few days.
Ris99 : cool