Den the Dragon : very crazy
Alex Vrublevskiy : seems this can go up strong to 5 550?? Amy your the one whos got magic dust))
Rivera : Baam
Ian Ng YH : No buy bullish, after buy drop like shit.. Not a good day..
PEAKHUNTAH_808 : watch out all pump and dumps
AmyNic OP Ian Ng YH : What price did you buy in at?
Alex Vrublevskiy : ya crazy. Amy your out as always in time??
AmyNic OP PEAKHUNTAH_808 : This isn't a pump n dump. We've been playing this since premarket. This is round 3 and each time it creates higher lows.
Rivera : Is it done yet
AmyNic OP Alex Vrublevskiy : No because I wasn't watching
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Den the Dragon : very crazy
Alex Vrublevskiy : seems this can go up strong to 5 550?? Amy your the one whos got magic dust))
Rivera : Baam
Ian Ng YH : No buy bullish, after buy drop like shit.. Not a good day..
PEAKHUNTAH_808 : watch out all pump and dumps
AmyNic OP Ian Ng YH : What price did you buy in at?
Alex Vrublevskiy : ya crazy. Amy your out as always in time??
AmyNic OP PEAKHUNTAH_808 : This isn't a pump n dump. We've been playing this since premarket. This is round 3 and each time it creates higher lows.
Rivera : Is it done yet
AmyNic OP Alex Vrublevskiy : No because I wasn't watching
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