Which company's earnings report do you pay the most attention to? And how's their stock performance?
US: Tesla, Microsoft, Meta, Google Apple etc
Singapore: DBS, SIA, OCBC, UOB etc
China & HK: Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, BYD etc
I also monitor ETF like S&P500.
Do you have a specific trading plan for the earnings season? Will you stick to your plan?
I invest based on FA and take long position. I'm learning TA for options trading at calculated risk. No leveraging or short selling - too risky.
Would you delay trading due to market volatility in earnings season? Why?
Definitely not. The best investment opportunity is during a bear market where you can buy value stocks at cheap price. But DYODD because they're risk such as volatility. I don't invest in meme stocks. Beware of penny stocks which can be easily manipulated - read 'short and distort' and 'pump and dump'.
What was the outcome of your trades during the last earnings season?
I managed to add some value stocks at cheap price. Dividend and cash plus fund are sources of stable passive income for me. As I take long position, fluctuation in share value is just noise to me. Currently the best outcome is to learn how to invest in a bear market and sharpen my tools in FA and TA. Manage emotion is still my top priority.