101847806 : u should show us that u sell out already.
Pore Street : did u ran fast enough? now you have a mountain to climb.
101551769 OP Pore Street : I sold and shorted
花开富贵399 101847806 : It's true that it's sold out and is empty, are you still holding it?
101551769 OP 花开富贵399 : I not only sell, I have shorted it at this price.
花开富贵399 101551769 OP : To jump between going long and short, you need to step on the rhythm, bro, be careful! The risk of shorting is quite high, and it has no upper limit
101551769 OP 花开富贵399 : Will cover at 11.50 and start longing abit from there
花开富贵399 101551769 OP : It is now on an upward trend. Shorting is very risky. Be careful, bro
101551769 OP 花开富贵399 : I see shooting star candlestick forming..
Haymaker78 : Run!!!! Run away from making money!!!
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101847806 : u should show us that u sell out already.
Pore Street : did u ran fast enough? now you have a mountain to climb.
101551769 OP Pore Street : I sold and shorted
花开富贵399 101847806 : It's true that it's sold out and is empty, are you still holding it?
101551769 OP 花开富贵399 : I not only sell, I have shorted it at this price.
花开富贵399 101551769 OP : To jump between going long and short, you need to step on the rhythm, bro, be careful! The risk of shorting is quite high, and it has no upper limit
101551769 OP 花开富贵399 : Will cover at 11.50 and start longing abit from there
花开富贵399 101551769 OP : It is now on an upward trend. Shorting is very risky. Be careful, bro
101551769 OP 花开富贵399 : I see shooting star candlestick forming..
Haymaker78 : Run!!!! Run away from making money!!!
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