Looking for passive income? Earn up to 8.7% p.a. Dividend Yield on REITs!
Seeking to become a landlord and earn rental income without huge capital? Invest in REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts)!
REITs appoint a management company to invest in real estate projects on their behalf. In turn, these assets generate rental income, more than 90% of which is distributed to shareholders in the form of regular dividends.
Till date, there are
42 REITs listed on the SGX, with a
total return of 58.5% and an
average dividend yield of 8.7% over the past decade^. Due to the current high interest rates, the face value of REITS is relatively low, making it a good time to invest.
^Source: Bloomberg, SGX, data as of 30 April 2023
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Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only.
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To the Moo OP X_X_GAO : You can learn about REITs investment on moomoo through the following link>>moomoo.com/cour...
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Niniko9483 : How to see which REIT will pay dividends?
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