Looking back, Nvidia's recent hot streak can be pinned to the massive influx of spending on AI, which has put some serious fuel in their data center unit. There's been a bit of a slump in demand for personal computer components, which has taken a bite out of their graphics chip biz. But overall, their data center sales saw a 14% growth to $4.28 billion, backed by big consumer internet companies and cloud service providers.
Jet Bomb : this isn't investors, dude... this is market manipulation through political power! they lied on the report with no sales to back their next quarter claim. but you are smart. You can do math.... and not that Obama math either.
SuperMusk Jet Bomb : lie wad report
101785677 SuperMusk : they gave a guidance of 11b revenue next quarter when their revenue is only 7b this quarter. the previous year it was 8b. so they are actually performing worse but came up with some insane guidance number to pump the stock. a more than 50% increase in revenue in 1 quarter. lol
不堪入目lndn 101785677 : Isn't that normal
181618156 SuperMusk : NVIDIA chart analysis