102963188 : There is a risk of loss, and capital is not insured
lamb shoulder OP 102963188 : I thought this would have capital protection, just like the Fullerton Market Fund
Sugared Donuts 2168 lamb shoulder OP : Fullerton SGD Cash Fund does not guarantee capital as well. It is not a savings account, it is a trading account. As long as you need to trade stocks/units, there is a possibility of losing your capital sum.
102963188 : There is a risk of loss, and capital is not insured
lamb shoulder OP 102963188 : I thought this would have capital protection, just like the Fullerton Market Fund
Sugared Donuts 2168 lamb shoulder OP : Fullerton SGD Cash Fund does not guarantee capital as well. It is not a savings account, it is a trading account. As long as you need to trade stocks/units, there is a possibility of losing your capital sum.