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$Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$ what is the freq...

$Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (18000222.FD)$ what is the frequency for getting the interest returns? How do I check the return dollar amount? When using smartsave, the invest amount and withdrawn and deposit everyday, will that affect the interest calculation?
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  • KingKhongWS : Here are your homework. Spend some time learning how will these functions works for you.

    Introduction to Cash Plus-moomoo Help Center

    SmartSave-moomoo Help Center

    Have fun investing and prosperous! ✌️

  • X_X_GAO : Hey ~ can provide ans. for ur Q1 and Q2. As from the my investment record, the interest return payout every weekdays, except from public holiday (in SG). So normally on Mondays, u will receive the total returns for 3days: Saturday+Sunday+Monday. U can check the detail info from - Accounts>Fullerton SGD Cash Fund>Revenue Details (pls refer the attched screenshot)

  • KingKhongWS X_X_GAO : Nice, X_X_Gao. I can see that you put in the effort to keep your investment private. There is another way to share.

    MooMop App > Funds > Fullerton SGD Cash Fund > Invested 10k Return.

    Read every single line, and look at the date & the return amount. You will notice a pattern. Every Tuesday, you will get a x3 return. That is for Sat, Sun and Mon. Example, on 05/29/2023 (Tues) - Triple returns

    May we all be prosperous prosperous together! ✌️Peace.

  • X_X_GAO : Thanks for the additional info sharing and explanation ~ [undefined][undefined][undefined][undefined]

  • Jake the trader OP : For those confused with the app UI like myself: on your Account page, somewhere in middle of the page you see your universal account (xxxx). Total Assets are split into [securities] , [funds] and [bonds] tabs.

    Securities include cash, stocks, options. In that page, there is mention of "funds", but that has nothing to do with the SGD or USD money funds.

    If you go funds tab, you can see your bought funds. The current holdings for funds will be labelled "net assets" . From there you can see the P/L change, total returns, and scroll down more you can see revenue.
