Playing for the student loan payback, this is a squeeze So i don't like holding overnight. I sold most everything for good profit, what I have will ride the momentum, and probably buy again today. I'm looking for a pullback near 6.1, maybe. it could just take off at open, we will see.
StonkHunter : What song is playing?
iamiam OP StonkHunter : nothing yet. maybe "where is my mind"
StonkHunter : yes! The Pixies
iamiam OP StonkHunter : now it's "Pursuit of happiness" haha
不言 StonkHunter : Your profile picture is kind of cool
iamiam OP 不言 : that is a nice cairn!
不言 iamiam OP : What does it represent![undefined [undefined]](
Red__Bull : I don't follow $SoFi Technologies (SOFI.US)$ but wanted to mention ...I read some of the House Bill last night and the student debt payment and interest pause has been rescinded, i e. payment and interest will resume. As it goes through the Senate, anything could change, but doubtful since Monday June 5 is the deadline for bill to become law. Jan 6 is catastrophic default day. Schumer is on record stating that Senate will remain in session until final vote. The whole market could get nervous if they go into the weekend. Odds are in favor of quick passage though, not doing so would be political suicide, both parties
72862420 : Eminem-Stan
StonkHunter 不言 : I stack rocks when I feel I'm lost to see if my life has balance. Sometimes I can only do a few, Sometimes I can do a big lots.
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