I Love Edgy Waifus : Any PT this time or still random? :o
LuckyWinner : 15 possible?
AmyNic OP I Love Edgy Waifus : 15+
potsy52 : Let Fly Girl
AmyNic OP LuckyWinner : Yes
I Love Edgy Waifus AmyNic OP : Nice, ty.
健谈的克利夫兰 LuckyWinner : Yesterday was 15 and today should be 20.
Zen8Lim : @AmyNic can we still hold this? it's dropping thanks for your advice in advance
AmyNic OP Zen8Lim : Whats your average?
Zen8Lim AmyNic OP : 9.58
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I Love Edgy Waifus : Any PT this time or still random? :o
LuckyWinner : 15 possible?
AmyNic OP I Love Edgy Waifus : 15+
potsy52 : Let Fly Girl
AmyNic OP LuckyWinner : Yes
I Love Edgy Waifus AmyNic OP : Nice, ty.
健谈的克利夫兰 LuckyWinner : Yesterday was 15 and today should be 20.
Zen8Lim : @AmyNic can we still hold this? it's dropping
thanks for your advice in advance
AmyNic OP Zen8Lim : Whats your average?
Zen8Lim AmyNic OP : 9.58
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