$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ Wooden Sister is calling Tesla again, and ...
$Tesla (TSLA.US)$Wooden Sister is calling Tesla again, and the pickup truck will create another Tesla, and there is an increase in sales. Today it hit 230, and this year it will exceed 500.
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Hello13456 : 230 is an exaggeration
日交易者2023 OP Hello13456 : Above 220 because it should be stable
雷德蒙德 : The goal was set very well I hope so too Can I do it today218-225That's great
Hello13456 日交易者2023 OP : Now that RSI is in an overbought area, will it cause shipments?
念ad Hello13456 : Beginning to overbuy and oversell
叶落丹枫 Hello13456 : Indeed, it has already been overbought; if you can take a profit in time, then take a profit
吴百万 Hello13456 : 230 today is hopeless but there will always be 230 days
吴百万 雷德蒙德 : Yes, that's about the price for today
念ad 雷德蒙德 : Open high and go low