No one knows why this stock is up and even less people know why they've invested in this company. I keep being told to invest in this but no one can tell me what this company even does. HERE'S A FACT FOR YOU. This company makes no profit and never has. Some experts also think they may be lying about certain aspects of the company and others are saying this is a scam stock. I'll stick to shorting this "AI" company into the ground and I will love it when this joke of company goes out of business.
Deepseek : Idiot
BAG FINDER GENERAL OP Deepseek : You just proved my point. You haven't got a clue what you're doing or what this stock does. I'm going to laugh when this company fails. Which it will sooner or later. The idiot here is you who doesn't recognise a scam when it stares him the faces. Absolute divvy you are
包青天包大爷 : BUY BUY BUY
BAG FINDER GENERAL OP 包青天包大爷 : That's not a good idea