ThirtyOne : What price are you in ?
BruceLin8 : 235
I know nothing : Do you walk thru the grocery store asking complete strangers what you should buy or shouldn't. Come on. it's your money. you decide if you should take profit or not.
Stonkslanger : I might sell some at 300
1ticker OP : 200
卖导弹的小伙 : At what price did you get it
ThirtyOne : What price are you in ?
BruceLin8 : 235
I know nothing : Do you walk thru the grocery store asking complete strangers what you should buy or shouldn't. Come on. it's your money. you decide if you should take profit or not.
Stonkslanger : I might sell some at 300
1ticker OP : 200
卖导弹的小伙 : At what price did you get it