102649228 : In or not in?
pockets_85 OP : Took profits leaving some in. Want to see it go to 20 if volume stays the way it has been. It is still in uptrend so it’s possible
随遇而安1 102649228 : You can enter, whether it's a long line or a short line, it's great
102649228 随遇而安1 : On the boat. Thanks.
随遇而安1 102649228 : You will get a lot of profit from this decision, do you want to operate the short term or the long term
102649228 随遇而安1 : At first I want short term. Seems like in sink. Lol
102649228 : In or not in?
pockets_85 OP : Took profits leaving some in. Want to see it go to 20 if volume stays the way it has been. It is still in uptrend so it’s possible
随遇而安1 102649228 : You can enter, whether it's a long line or a short line, it's great
102649228 随遇而安1 : On the boat. Thanks.
随遇而安1 102649228 : You will get a lot of profit from this decision, do you want to operate the short term or the long term
102649228 随遇而安1 : At first I want short term. Seems like in sink. Lol