Paul 的不可思议 : I also want to know what is the difference between a joint stock and a joint stock
TinkerB3ll Paul 的不可思议 : Basically 20 into 1 so if you have 20 units now you will get 1 on 23 June
赚赚赚 OP TinkerB3ll : Does 20 become 21
TinkerB3ll : No become 1
赚赚赚 OP TinkerB3ll : If 20 becomes 1, it's not a huge loss
TinkerB3ll : No dofference they just combine into 1 thats all value same
iamiam : GLDX split earlier this year before rocketing up. it's a 3x leveraged of gold miners that was down to 2 dollars it split and went to 20 something before ending around 65.
赚赚赚 OP iamiam : How long
iamiam 赚赚赚 OP : GLDX did it within weeks
texasbuffett iamiam : I think you are talking about GDXU
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Paul 的不可思议 : I also want to know what is the difference between a joint stock and a joint stock
TinkerB3ll Paul 的不可思议 : Basically 20 into 1 so if you have 20 units now you will get 1 on 23 June
赚赚赚 OP TinkerB3ll : Does 20 become 21
TinkerB3ll : No become 1
赚赚赚 OP TinkerB3ll : If 20 becomes 1, it's not a huge loss
TinkerB3ll : No dofference they just combine into 1 thats all value same
iamiam : GLDX split earlier this year before rocketing up. it's a 3x leveraged of gold miners that was down to 2 dollars it split and went to 20 something before ending around 65.
赚赚赚 OP iamiam : How long
iamiam 赚赚赚 OP : GLDX did it within weeks
texasbuffett iamiam : I think you are talking about GDXU
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