rawrrrbucks : Much depends on how many shares you have. If you have 100 shares, you can consider selling a call option with $275 strike for mid July.
71504463 : How many shares do you hold?
Lexyko OP 71504463 : 20 only
rawrrrbucks Lexyko OP : Wait and see for a few days if it flies through resistance.
Tpjh Lexyko OP : What's your price, you can sell at 233, wait for the lower level to buy
102294590 : You can keep waiting and he will rise even higher
102294590 : Optimistic about 250 in the short term. Every firm shareholder has experienced ups and downs
71504463 Lexyko OP : Is your price around 230?
Lexyko OP Tpjh : 235 haha
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rawrrrbucks : Much depends on how many shares you have. If you have 100 shares, you can consider selling a call option with $275 strike for mid July.
71504463 : How many shares do you hold?
Lexyko OP 71504463 : 20 only
rawrrrbucks Lexyko OP : Wait and see for a few days if it flies through resistance.
Tpjh Lexyko OP : What's your price
, you can sell at 233, wait for the lower level to buy
102294590 : You can keep waiting and he will rise even higher
102294590 : Optimistic about 250 in the short term. Every firm shareholder has experienced ups and downs
71504463 Lexyko OP : Is your price around 230?
71504463 Lexyko OP : Is your price around 230?
Lexyko OP Tpjh : 235 haha
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