NattowRate6400 : How sure are you bossman? I get in at 17 and I'm shaking in my boots a little bit here D:
Rivera OP NattowRate6400 : I have 800 shares at 15 bro holding look at volume this still have more to make for sure
NattowRate6400 Rivera OP : Alright man, I follow you and I've seen you make many impressive plays! Lets Diamond Hand it :D
Rivera OP NattowRate6400 : In the name of Jesus we will do profit
NattowRate6400 Rivera OP : Amen!
NattowRate6400 : How sure are you bossman? I get in at 17 and I'm shaking in my boots a little bit here D:
Rivera OP NattowRate6400 : I have 800 shares at 15 bro
holding look at volume this still have more to make for sure
NattowRate6400 Rivera OP : Alright man, I follow you and I've seen you make many impressive plays! Lets Diamond Hand it :D
Rivera OP NattowRate6400 : In the name of Jesus we will do profit
NattowRate6400 Rivera OP : Amen!