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$SoFi Technologies (SOFI.US)$ I can tell you without a doubt...

I can tell you without a doubt that Sofi is a definite long-term hold. That will only continue to go upwards in the future.
I'm a veteran and a retired analyst/Financial Advisor. I did that after serving and receiving an honorable discharge from the Marine Corps  for over 14+ years. I've been investing in the stock market for over 20 years.
If you can buy call options then buy them long term as low as you can afford. Because whenever this stock hits all time highs and then in the long term grows into a stock that trades at $100+ per share. You want to buy those shares.
You buy an option say at $5 or $7.50 with intrinsic value vs waiting for one or two years to pass. Then seeing the stock go for example to $100/share. You're going to want to buy. This goes for any stock out there.
1 option = 100 shares and 1 or 2 years from now. Buying 100 shares at $100 a share would cost you $10,000+fees to purchase 100 shares.
However, if you would have just purchased just 1 Call option at a Strike price of say $5 then when the stock expires in the money ITM... You'd be able to exercise the $5 Call option and be able to buy 100 shares for only $500 saving you $9,500
Now you own 100 shares of SOFI and  your portfolio will show 100 shares of SOFI valued at $100 a share = $10.000.
Congratulations, you just made a profit of $9,500
This information is just for those who are new to trading stocks.
All the veterans know this already. We also know that you can sell calls and puts and when you get to that level. That's when you'll be able to make serious money.
Most everybody starts out buying shares.
Then learning that buying call options can save you tons of money.  You also get to buy a stock a lot cheaper when you buy options versus buying shares out right.
Then you'll eventually have the capital to Sell Calls and Puts. Which is very risky if you don't know what you're doing.  Which is why most people pay brokers who take those risks for them.
To trade calls and put yourself... you have to have the capital in your account to be able to cover 100 shares per call or put that you're selling. So I wouldn't advise this to anyone who is just starting out.
It's a gamble at that level... you have to know what you're doing and you have to believe that a stock is going in a certain direction by the time that that particular stock expires.
When you're selling stock options you become the person responsible whenever that stock is exercised.
When you sell Calls and Puts... your hope is that the person you sell the Call option to will expire OTM (out of the money) on the buyer and the person you sell a Put option to will expire ITM (in the money) on the buyer.
It's just the opposite of buying Calls and Puts which is safer due to the fact that if you're wrong and the option expires OTM (out of the money) or worthless. All you lose is the price that you paid for that option or the premium.
I'm used to get so tired of people coming to me crying over losing money that they chose to invest themselves without any knowledge of what they are doing or how option trading works.
Just like most of the vets would agree that we get so frustrated with people who try to manipulate a stock's price to go up and down by spreading propaganda in the hopes that people will latch on and buy or sell based on what that person has told them.
I tell people the first rule of trading is to trust no one only yourself. It's your job to do the legwork and research a stock before you make the decision to buy or sell one.
Goes back to the saying if someone told you to jump off a bridge would you do it. You're in a shark tank for God's sake. For the veteran traders out there. I can tell you that we don't trade on this platform. I started this for my daughter who showed interest so I set her up a Webull account and a MooMoo account. All I've given her is $500 and she turned it into $850 then pulled out $500 and gave it back to me saying "Thanks Dad."
I couldn't be prouder of her integrity. she used the remainder to invest and has done a really good job. I have supervised and been there with advice. However from a distance. The goal was to get her interested in something that would pay for her college and also any and everything that she wanted for the rest of her life.
Don't get me wrong... I am in the millionaire club. There's just something about allowing someone to get it on their own through hard work and perseverance.
You can give someone a fish and they'll eat for a day or teach someone to fish and they'll eat for a lifetime.
You can enable your children by giving them everything and it will be dependent on you and everyone else for the rest of their life. or you can teach your children to be dependent by allowing them to work for what they have.
This kind of self-discipline is taught in the military Which of my Marines out there and especially a Camp Pendleton I say Hoorah.
Good luck to you all !!!
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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I've been trading stocks, forex, futures and options for over 20 years. I have an 80% pick ratio in the positive.