As it is not easy to operate in the short term, the risk is also quite high. As a medium- to long-term, this stock has performed well and has great investment value.
Currently, Tesla only needs to grasp his revenue rules; it is indeed a reaping outlet, but as a long-term owner, profit risks are not equal.
Hurrying : no wait
Silverbat OP : good time to buy Calls at lower prices
nyseoption : No dip just rocket
Silverbat OP : Holder sold above 258s yesterday are waiting dips also
geda : As it is not easy to operate in the short term, the risk is also quite high. As a medium- to long-term, this stock has performed well and has great investment value.
Silverbat OP geda : Tesla stock is a haven for day trading, including before and after the market!
geda Silverbat OP : Currently, Tesla only needs to grasp his revenue rules; it is indeed a reaping outlet, but as a long-term owner, profit risks are not equal.
geda Silverbat OP : How much do you trade each time?