The Brown Knight
That’s a stupid case compared to how many people die in auto accidents. Id rather have self driving vs all the idiots on the road now.
The Brown Knight
There are glitches in absolutely everything, including humans…… so by your thoughts and words; people should stop having children.
nubberz OP : Tesla prob knew it was glitchy to
The Brown Knight : That’s a stupid case compared to how many people die in auto accidents. Id rather have self driving vs all the idiots on the road now.
nubberz OP The Brown Knight : u make a good point.....but if they did know there where issues shld have waited longer time
The Brown Knight nubberz OP : There are glitches in absolutely everything, including humans…… so by your thoughts and words; people should stop having children.
shortywannabe athug The Brown Knight : this nubberz guy has to be "special "
nubberz OP : very much so
nubberz OP The Brown Knight : some