why inflate before a split that's going to deflate back under $1 after and need another split? it would be lucky to consolidate at anything over 0.10 cents judging by their history. investors are not reinvesting and new investors aren't going to dump huge percentages in
With all of the previous reverse splits in the past on this ticke symbol it would need over a 1,799% rally just to get to previous lows. Just to get back to innitial IPO value this ticker would need over a 10 MILLION percent increase. And since this stocks price has been falling for over 10 years I think it is safe to say that this will not be a buy because of a reverse split. It might be a buy in the future. Not now
cness01 : No shot this company is dead
The Brown Knight OP cness01 : That’s nice, but that wasn’t the question.
RedOrGreenIBank The Brown Knight OP : hahaha
Ahmed trading : When it's going the split
RinoDinDin : why inflate before a split that's going to deflate back under $1 after and need another split? it would be lucky to consolidate at anything over 0.10 cents judging by their history. investors are not reinvesting and new investors aren't going to dump huge percentages in
SpyderCall RinoDinDin : With all of the previous reverse splits in the past on this ticke symbol it would need over a 1,799% rally just to get to previous lows. Just to get back to innitial IPO value this ticker would need over a 10 MILLION percent increase. And since this stocks price has been falling for over 10 years I think it is safe to say that this will not be a buy because of a reverse split. It might be a buy in the future. Not now