Hong Kong is not doing well. I saw an article saying that electric cars are actually inflated in China and there are heaps of garbage. That's why overseas investors aren't buying Hong Kong or China due to the economic crisis, isn't it?
PKDick : Only small transactions have been made recently, aren't there? Big Wave was a story earlier...
181596775 : as always... that was a lonesome turnover...
182265371 : You're not going to go bankrupt, are you
PKDick : Profits have been made, and debts have also decreased (until the current financial results), so at this rate they won't collapse (I hope)
182265371 : It would be nice if the big wave came by the end of this year. I heard that Hong Kong is also unsafe and the economy is bad.
Koudoukeizaigaku5555 OP 182265371 : Isn't this a garbage stock sweat
Koudoukeizaigaku5555 OP 182265371 : Hong Kong is not doing well. I saw an article saying that electric cars are actually inflated in China and there are heaps of garbage. That's why overseas investors aren't buying Hong Kong or China due to the economic crisis, isn't it?
Koudoukeizaigaku5555 OP PKDick : this is suspicious, isn't it?
Koudoukeizaigaku5555 OP PKDick : Also, there won't be a big wave unless the mastermind uses it lol
Koudoukeizaigaku5555 OP 181596775 : Sakura Internet also said that people who have escaped salting won't buy it next time.
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