Just think about it for a second. The higher rates are, the less demand and consumption there'll be which is better for the environment. I'm pretty sure that rate hikes will be more effective for the environment than say buying an EV, which by the way even though they're electric they still need to mow down rainforests for metals. Honestly, if you're hoping for rate cuts just so that your $1200 in SPY calls print, you're almost like a climate denier at this point. You should be hoping for rate increases instead so that we can save the environment.
And not only from an environmental standpoint, but I mean, who wouldn't love a high risk-free rate? Imagine treasuries were yielding 10%, I mean at that point I'm guessing tons of people would just be holding debt securities and we wouldn't need to all be piling into only 7 different stonks (i.e the Fangs) like we are now
70812944 : Sorry for your puts. Must have been tough these few weeks..